The renowned master of collaboration, Carlos Valdes-Dapena, author and founder and managing principal of Corporate Collaboration Resources, says collaboration is key to creating successful organizations, but not enough focus is placed on what it takes to collaborate and measuring how people work in collaborative settings. Find out why trust doesn't need to come before collaboration, but why a company needs to create an environment where people can trust each other.
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The need for companies to care about people is not only trendy, but necessary, for organizations to survive. Lorna Borenstein, founder and CEO of Grokker, a company focused on wellbeing and engagement solutions, and author of the new book It’s Personal: The Business Case for Caring, says there's a financial, human and brand case for why companies need to invest in employee well-being. Above all, she says, is the need to connect employees to each other and to you as a company, likely the most under exercised muscle that most companies mistake.
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Recognition expert and director of Workstars, Andrew Greenwood, says we have to turn off rewards and start with recognition, if we're going to create thriving, engaged and loyal teams. Find out why trust is the key to peer-to-peer recognition and why micro incentives is the way of the future.
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Back for another inspirational podcast, David Burkus, business thought leader and author of new book, Leading from Anywhere, explains how to be a powerful and inspirational remote leader, and make sure your team doesn't suffer burnout. Learn why successful teams are boundaryless and have a culture of shared understanding.
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