Technical Publications Writer for Buffer, a social media company, Hailley Griffis explains how being transparent helps hold the company accountable and gain valuable feedback. She says happiness means starting now.
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Drew Massie is a serial entrepreneur who can't dream of doing anything else. He's started five companies and is involved in more than twenty. When family is your reason for 'happy', Drew says
this makes the most sense. Find out how he balances work and life and why he's taught his kids to play 'high-high' 'low-low' at dinner.
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How can understanding complex systems help us be happier and healthier in our personal and professional lives. Angie & Haley from the Human Current explain how systems thinking can help change the world.
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Tom is back with Happy Melly as we kick off the holiday month of December. This month we're discussing the benefits of mentorship
why both parties need to be open to learning from one another and how important it is to feel connected.
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